Park Wijde Aa

In the area

  • Perfect for city visits
  • Many water sports possibilities
  • Nice cycling and walking tours
  • Dichtbij Leiden, Amsterdam & Den Haag

Park Wijde Aa: superb location

Our beautiful, small-scale holiday park is located in Roelofarendsveen, South Holland, The Netherlands. Cities such as Amsterdam, The Hague and Leiden are all within a stone's throw. A stay at our holiday park means a wide variety of excellent museums in your immediate area. But our environment offers you so much more. What to think of the many beautiful cycling and walking tours through nature 'het Groene Hart', to Keukenhof or to the coast.

So if you like a beautiful, water-rich environment with lots to do in the direct vicinity, book your stay at holiday park Park Wijde Aa. 



Garden of Europe

City trip


Water sports


Tulips Trips